As we close the book on 2024, here's a look back at some CAL highlights:
*Approximately 100 New Releases were promoted through advertising in New Pages and on the CAL website while a book a day, book signings, book seller events, promotional book sales, and Awards finalists were promoted via Facebook, Mastodon, Instagram, and most recently, Blue Sky. Our following on all these social media sites continues to grow.
*Our Retail Opportunities Calendar is continually being updated and expanded as we find out about craft fairs and book events where authors can sell books in person.
*Our CO Conferences Calendar is continually updated and expanded as we learn of new conferences.
*Our Speaker's Bureau currently has 41 members listed.
*Our GoodReads shelf has 545 books.
*Members have taken advantage of our connection with the CO State Library's Listserv and Book Clubs.
*A number of readings have been posted to our CAL YouTube channel.
*The CAL Awards boasted 138 entries in 24 categories, with trophies and certificates presented at The Washington Park Boathouse on July 21.
*Consignment book racks at The Perfect Gift in Lakewood and Third Space in CO Springs continue to bring in revenue for the participating authors.
*Our sponsorship of SunLit pays us back in author interviews and book excerpts for CAL Awards finalists.
*Members gathered at various coffee meet-ups, a BBQ, and the December Holiday Party.
*30 members participated in this year's co-op booth at the Denver Christmas Show.
*Many active volunteers shared the load. A big thank you to Lauren Braden, John Rabins, Marj Charlier, Laurie Marr Wasmund, Brenda Small, Cassi Clark, Jerry Fabyanic, Kevin Bowersox, Tiffani Sahara, Tyler Holme, Stefan Scheuermann, Theresa Crater, and Doris McCraw.
*Membership continues to grow with 86 new members added in 2024. Membership currently stands at 368.
*We switched banks mid-summer and have already made some extra money due to better interest and rewards on our credit card.
What's new for 2025?
*We have a line on a location for another consignment rack in the Denver area. More info to come. If you know of any good coffee shops, gift shops, etc., that might be interested in a book rack, let us know.
*In the coming months, we will be discussing the possibility of a Book Festival in the Denver area.
*Looking for an Etsy-like site to host our swag shop.
*Keeping all the good things going that we've started.