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Cal Bylaws

CAL BYLAWS latest revision: Sept. 2022

Colorado Authors League ByLaws


The name of this organization shall be THE COLORADO AUTHORS’ LEAGUE, INC. (herein called “CAL”).


Section 1. The objective of this organization shall be to promote the interests of Colorado writers. CAL fosters the art and craft of authorship. Also, CAL may provide members with information on publishing and marketing trends and updates on changes in copyrights, intellectual property and other legal concerns.

Section 2. CAL shall be a non-profit organization in compliance with section 501(c)3 of the Internal Revenue Service Code.

Section 3. CAL shall be incorporated under the laws of the State of Colorado.


Section 1. Membership shall be open to any Professional Author who now resides in Colorado or has been a resident in the past. Professional Author shall be defined to mean any person who is writing and selling fiction, non-fiction, or poetry, to periodicals, book publishers of national and regional circulation, or directly to retailers or consumers; or works sold for the stage, motion pictures, radio, television, or electronic media. In the cases of poetry, short literary and other works, payment for work may mean payment in copies of published material. The material must not have been published or paid for as part of the duties of a full or part-time employee for the publisher or broadcaster of the material. The above definition shall more specifically mean that the following requirements must be met:

(a) Authors of Books: A person who has published a book within three years of the date of application that is available for sale.


(b) Authors of Essays, Op-eds, Features, Blogs, News Articles : A person who has had published regionally or nationally any combination of at least three of the above listed pieces in an online or physical publication, newspaper, or magazine within three years of the date of application for which they received payment or recognition for their contribution. If the material does not carry the applicant’s by-line, evidence of authorship must be provided.


(c) Authors of Short Fiction and Poetry: A person who writes only short fiction or poetry must have published at least three short fiction pieces or three poems within three years of the date of application either individually, or in an anthology and is available for sale. If the material does not carry the applicant’s by-line, evidence of authorship must be provided.


(d) Stage plays, Screenplays, radio plays: A person whose play has been optioned, performed or published within three years of the date of application.


(e) Body of Work: Authors who have published a body of work over a lifetime of writing but who may or may not currently be publishing new work may be considered for membership by submitting an application referencing the various works previously published by the author.

Satisfaction of the above basic minimum requirements shall not constitute a guarantee of acceptance into CAL, nor shall such satisfaction obligate the Board members to vote to admit an applicant.

A member of the Board of Directors shall assess applications and make recommendations for admission. All applicants must provide evidence of published work.

Section 2. Members must pay the required dues to remain a member of CAL. Failure to pay will result in loss of membership.

Section 3. CAL members maintain a high level of integrity and professionalism. Should a member be found to have acted with professional misconduct, their membership can be terminated by a majority vote of the Board of Directors. If a member whose membership has been terminated wishes to rejoin, his/her application shall be treated as that of a new applicant. (See CAL’s Membership Termination Policy for further detail)

Section 4. Honorary life membership may be given to any CAL member the Board designates. All Lifetime Achievement winners receive an automatic honorary life membership. 

Section 5. The following minimum requirements shall govern the business meetings of the membership:

(a) An annual meeting of CAL will be held once within a twelve month period. All members of CAL will receive notice of the meeting.

(b) Twenty percent of the members shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of any business, including at any meeting or decision by mailed or electronic ballot.



Section 1. The Board of Directors shall revise annual dues to meet the financial requirements of CAL.

Section 2. Members who have belonged to CAL for at least twenty-five years shall pay dues equal to seventy-five percent of the prevailing assessment.


Section 1. The Officers of CAL shall be a President, a Vice President, a Secretary, and a Treasurer, to be approved at the annual meeting of CAL. Other board positions shall be determined by membership priorities.

(a) It shall be the duty of the President to preside at all meetings of the Board of Directors and of CAL, approve all expenses above a sum determined by a vote of the Board of Directors, and perform such other duties as agreed to by the Board. The President shall be an ex-officio member of all committees.

(b) The Vice President shall assume all duties of the President in the event the President is unable to act for any reason.

(c) The Vice President assists the President with implementing the values, mission, and strategic goals.

(d) The Secretary shall keep the minutes of all meetings of the Board of Directors and all business meetings of CAL and conduct the correspondence of CAL.

(e) The Treasurer shall be responsible for:

(i)working with the president and Accountant to create a yearly budget

(ii)approving expenses over $200

(iii) the submission of periodic statements of receipts and disbursements to the Board of Directors and a financial report at the annual election of officers;

(iv) the transfer of CAL financial records to the incoming Board at its first meeting of the following fiscal year;




Section 1. The Board of Directors is empowered to transact current business and to formulate current policies not otherwise delegated by these Bylaws. The President shall act as Chairperson of the Board.

Section 2.Board members shall serve a two-year term.

Section 3. A majority of the Board of Directors shall constitute a quorum. A director of CAL who is not present at a meeting of the Board of Directors or committee thereof may cast a vote by proxy if the director has granted a signed proxy (written or emailed) to another director who is present at the meeting.

Section 4. Meetings of the Board of Directors may be called at any time by the President or by a majority of the Board of Directors. The President shall hold a minimum of four meetings, either in person or via electronic means, per year of the Board of Directors.


Section 5. Any committee chairperson, officer, or director shall be subject to removal from office for continued failure to properly perform his/her duties. The committee chairperson shall be given no less than seven days’ notice before their removal by the Board of Directors by a majority vote.

Section 6. Any vacancy among the Directors, committee chairpersons, or the officers shall be filled by appointment by the Board of Directors, the appointee to serve the unexpired term.


Section 1. The Board of Directors may establish committees and appoint members as they deem advisable or desirable.




Section 1. Approval of Officers and Directors shall be held at the annual meeting (or with an email vote, as necessary). The candidates shall be presented at the meeting. Members can also vote on candidates electronically.

Section 2. When possible, board members will serve two years by a rotating schedule. Every effort will be made to keep all members from rotating off the board at the same time to ensure board knowledge and stability.


Section 1. The fiscal year shall be from July 1 through June 30 of the succeeding year.


Section 1. No question of special assessment shall be voted upon at any meeting unless at least two weeks’ written or email notice shall have been given to members.


Section 2. Special assessments shall not be levied except by a two-thirds vote of members present at the meeting.


Section 3. Any member three months in arrears in the payment of any special assessment shall be considered not in good standing, and may be subject to membership termination by the Board of Directors.




Robert’s Rules of Order Revised shall be the governing authority of CAL in all cases not provided for by its Articles and/or Bylaws.




Where merited, any of the Bylaws may be temporarily waived by a unanimous vote of the Board of Directors in person or by a proxy that states the specific Bylaw, issue and circumstances of the waiver.




These Bylaws may be amended by a vote of the membership in which two-thirds of the ballots cast (by written ballot or email) vote to affirm, following a written or email comment period of at least two weeks.



CAL’s Membership Termination Policy

A CAL member can be terminated if he or she has falsified membership requirement documentation. Termination can also occur if the member has been censured for plagiarism, failed to credit source materials or unlawfully  placed a person(s) in jeopardy through their writing. Other issues can be brought to the attention of the CAL Board to be assessed as a reason for termination.

Amended and Approved 8/6/2022